Warning Signs That Your Rabbit Needs Medical Attention
If you think your rabbit is sick, then s/he probably is; GO TO THE VET IMMEDIATELY! Click here for NTRS recommended vets. There is NO reason at all for your rabbit to go without medical attention when needed. The following symptoms require IMMEDIATE attention. |
- Grinding of the teeth
- Any loss of appetite
- No cecals being produced
- Any loss of energy; loss of interest in surroundings
- Unwillingness to get up or move around
- Sitting with head in corner of the cage/room
- Loss of balance when hopping
- Inability to hop or dragging of legs
- Diarrhea lasting more than 4 hours
- Loss of continence or urinating in many places
- Discharge from nose that is NOT clear, or any discharge from nose lasting more than 3 days
- Any coughing or choking sounds
- Drooling, wet fur around mouth that recurs or lasts more than a day
- Eye watering discharge for more than 3 days
- Any bleeding from rectum/vaginal area